Thank you for your interest towards my flash!
Before leaving this page make sure to acknowledge below.
You will be receiving an email in 1-3days.
If there are no waitings on any flashes,
I will be sending out emails mostly in 24hours.
Once you receive my email, make sure every information is correct.
2. If you want to pass your turn please let me know asap.
It will make our life so much easier:)
3. Depending on each flash’s demand, flash will be held for 24-48hours .
(Deadline will be written down on the email.)
4. Deposit($100-$400 +tax for each tattoo) will be required via Venmo
to finalize your appointment. (FOR GUESTING THE DEPOSIT WILL BE $400-$500 +tax)
Before placing your deposit, make sure you are comfortable with the deposit policy(it will be sent through email). After your payment, we will assume that you acknowledged and accepted the policy.
5. Once the deposit is received, you will receive a confirmation email in 24hours.
Make sure you have attached the screenshot of the payment on the same thread. If you miss/skip this procedure, you might receive the confirmation email later than expected.
6. Please make sure to start your skin prep as soon as possible.
Check FAQ(or button below) >Procedure> How should I prepare
7. The day before your appointment, you will receive a reminder email.
On the reminder email, there are some check lists you need to know or prepare for your appointment! So make sure to read through carefully.