REsident artist application.

Basic Info

-Studio hours : Mon-Sat(10:30am- 9pm) Sun(10:30am- 8:30pm)
-Studio location : Midtown, NYC (near Times Square)
-Studio do not provide : machine, power cords, needles
-Studio do not take walk-ins. Appointments only.
-Studio minimum : $300
-Studio cut : We have three options. You may choose what fits best for you.
ONE. 30%, max cut $350 (daily)
TWO. $1,050/ weekly
THREE. $2,950/monthly
option THREE will be only for the resident artists.
Weekly and monthly plan dates will be counted consecutively and are subject to change on a yearly basis.

Tattoo artists who are applying for resident artist position, they will have two weeks trial period and discuss further with the studio. During the trial period, studio cut option will be only limited to daily cut (30% $350 max cut)

-Studio provide :
COLOR INK ( Intenze 101 colors + Solid ink 60 colors+ ink mixer solution+ black(intenze or solid) & white ink / brand might differ depending on the period.)
SECOND SKIN(dermshield)
BASIC SUPPLIES ( alcohol 70%, green soap, bactine, razor, ink cup, glide, stencil transfer solution, wood stick, self adhesive wrap(2”), cord cover, bottle cover, client a&d ointment)
AFTERCARE PACKET for clients(provides different aftercare sets to the clients based on price range.)
SET UP & BREAK DOWN Between 10:30am - 5:30pm appointments we will do the set up and break down excluding the machine and needles. Please discard the needles in the sharps container right after you finish your appointment. (After 5:30pm appointments, you will need to set up or break down by your own.)
Currently set up and break down service will be only available on the weekdays and when Soohee doesn’t have appointments. (We are a small private studio! Thank you for your understanding :))

-Studio do not tolerate/allow
We do not tolerate racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, body shaming, etc.
We do not allow smoking in the building, including e-cigarettes.
We do not tolerate vandalism.
We do not allow pets in our studio.
We do not allow irresponsible behavior such as no showing, being late and etc.
We do not tolerate making dramas with our coworkers.

** If you have any further questions, feel free to mention on the form.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.♥️